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PlanNet Marketing offers a number of ways to generate income and recognition. Take a look at this exciting Compensation Plan!
First, let's define some terms:
Rep – A person who enrolls with PlanNet Marketing for $19.95 initial fee and $19.95 monthly. (No commissions are paid on this initial or monthly recurring administrative fee.)
ITA Sale – A PlanNet Rep sells the InteleTravel ITA Travel Agency for $179.95, plus $39.95 monthly. This is a commissionable product sale.
Active ITA – An InteleTravel ITA who’s paying $39.95 monthly.
Selling Rep – The PlanNet Rep who makes the ITA Sale.
Sponsor – A Rep who enrolls another Rep.
Gold Builder – A Rep who has nine (9) or more Active ITAs.
Director – A Gold Builder who has 100 or more Active ITAs …in 3 or more legs, no more than 1/3 in any one leg.
Direct Sales Commission to the Selling Rep: When you, as a PlanNet Marketing Rep, sell the InteleTravel Independent Travel Agency business (an ITA sale) for $179.95 and $39.95 monthly, you are paid a Direct Sales Commission of $50.00. There is no limit to the number of $50.00 Direct Sales Commissions you may earn. Paid weekly.
Direct Sales 50% Match to the Sponsor: When you enroll someone as a PlanNet Marketing Rep and they make an ITA sale, you, as their Sponsor, are paid a 50% Match ($25.00) on their ITA sales. There is no limit to the number of 50% Match Commissions ($25.00) you may earn. Paid weekly.
Gold Builder Bonus: A $10.00 Gold Builder Bonus is paid to the first upline Gold Builder for every ITA sale made in their downline, down to the next Gold Builder. A Gold Builder is a Rep who has made at least nine (9) ITA sales, and which sales are Active ITAs. Paid weekly.
Monthly Matrix Payout to Selling Rep: A monthly Bonus of $4.00 is paid to the Selling Rep on the monthly $39.95 payment made by Active ITAs in their Matrix. This Bonus is paid through nine (9) levels based on the number of the Rep’s Active ITAs (minimum of 2 Active ITAs to qualify). Plus, a Gold Builder is paid a 10% Match on the monthly Matrix earnings of his/her nine (9) or more directly sponsored Reps.

Director Bonuses:
- PlanNet Marketing guarantees that when a Rep becomes a ONE-STAR Director, their monthly income from all sources will be at least $1,000.
- Directors (ONE-STAR through FIVE-STAR) can earn an amount of up to $50.00 for each ITA sale made in their downline.
- Directors are paid a Director Monthly Bonus based on the number of Active ITAs in their downline. (See chart below)
Additional Director Bonuses and Recognition:
- When a Rep achieves FIVE‐STAR Director, they are awarded a Rolex watch (and must remain qualified as FIVE STAR Director, earning FIVE STAR pay, for a minimum of 60 days to qualify. Must remain qualified at FIVE STAR Director until the Rolex is awarded).
A Presidential Ring is awarded to a One-Star Director and above when the following qualifications are met:
- A Presidential Ring is awarded based on two consecutive 30-day Qualifying Income Periods followed by one 30-day Maintenance Period. (Three 30-day continuous periods total.) Must remain qualified until Ring is awarded.
- Total income for EACH 30-day Qualifying Income Period AND the 30-day Maintenance Period is the cumulative total of income received from Weekly Commissions, Matrix Commissions, and Director Pay.
- For EACH 30-day Qualifying Income Period AND the following 30-day Maintenance Period the Minimum Income requirement is as follows:
- Sapphire Ring: Minimum Income for each period of $8,333 (on annual track of $100,000).
- Ruby Ring: Minimum Income for each period of $20,833 (on annual track of $250,000).
- Diamond Ring: Minimum Income for each period of $41,667 (on annual track of $500,000).
- Double Diamond Ring: Minimum Income for each period of $83,333 (on annual track of $1,000,000)
- Rings are considered awards and will be presented at Convention (unless otherwise noted). Qualification for all awards, including Rings, must be met and held until presentation. If qualification is lost before presentation, the Ring will not be awarded.